No Olympics Drugs Cheats 😱 ?? The Biggest Cheats in Sport Ever!


No suggestions at all here that our Fantasy League winners were drug cheats 🤣. With the Olympics now over and no rug scandals in sight, we got to wondering what happened ? Are athletes now 100% clean or war everyone just preoccupied with Covid this time around? 

As we’d had no new cheats to look at, we thought we’d look at some of sport’s biggest cheaters of all time. They cut corners (sometimes literally) but ultimately they were caught, exposed and punished (except Maradonna who wasn’t even sorry!).

Lance Armstrong The 7-time winner of Le Tour De France, cyclings biggest race, was stripped of all his titles after it became clear he had doped his way to victory each time. It wasn’t just him though there were many others also found guilty, including the winner of the Tour in 2006, Floyd Landis.

Diego Maradona He broke English hearts in 86 when he punched the ball past Peter Shilton into the goal net. The ref somehow let the goal stand and 34 years later the name Maradona and ‘Hand of God’ goal is enough to send any England fan into a rage. Say no more ! Yet still RIP Maradona.

Fred Lorz Not a name many of you will be familiar with unless you’re a big fan of distance running in the early 1900s. But, Lorz was the winner of the 1904 Olympic games marathon. He ran 3 hours and 13 minutes on a challenging course and in hot conditions. Unfortunately, 11 miles of Lorz’s marathon was in a car and consequently, he was stripped of his gold medal. 

Spanish Basketball Paralympic Team The  Spanish Paralympic team of the 2000 games are infamous because they weren’t actually disabled. They had failed assessments on purpose and lied to medical testers. They won the gold medal but had it taken away shortly after.

Harlequins scandal In 2009 rugby team Harlequins player Tom Williams ate exploding blood tablets so he could be substituted off the field (this isn’t usually allowed in Rugby Union unless there’s an injury). The player was banned for 4 months and the team was fined a hefty £250,000.

There’s not even a ref at a DADSVDADS games, certainly no-one looking out for cheats and that’s how it should be, players more keen to give a decision to the opposition that to take the decision 👍⚽, top blokes. Encouraging friendly but competitive games where everyone gets a good game but no one gets injured or too caught up in the competition. 

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